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Version: 2.0.0


These instructions guide you through installing or updating RISC Zero tools to build your own RISC Zero zkVM projects. You will install the cargo-risczero tool for creating and building RISC Zero zkVM projects, as well as the RISC Zero toolchain used to build zkVM guest programs in Rust.


The RISC Zero zkVM requires Rust. If you don't already have Rust and rustup installed, start by installing Rust and rustup. Please follow the recommended Rust installation instructions using rustup, as RISC Zero specifically depends on the rustup tool.

Installation for x86-64 Linux and arm64 macOS

rzup is the RISC Zero toolchain installer. We recommend using rzup to manage the installation of RISC Zero.

  1. Install rzup by running the following command:
    curl -L | bash
  2. Run rzup to install RISC Zero:
    rzup install

Running rzup will install the latest released version of the RISC Zero toolchain.

For a specific version, use rzup install cargo-risczero <version>, where the <version> is a released SemVer version (e.g 1.1.1). See releases.

See rzup --help for more options. You can find out more about rzup here.

Manual Installation and installation for all other systems (e.g. x86-64 macOS, arm64 Linux)

For users who prefer manual installation or those who use systems such as x86-64 macOS, arm64 Linux, follow these steps:

  • Clone the repository with git clone
  • In the root of the repository, install rzup with cargo install --path rzup.
  • Build and install the rust toolchain with rzup toolchain build rust. This command may require utilities such as cmake and the ninja build system to be installed.
  • Build and install the cargo-risczero by first checking out the branch release-* where * is [major release number].[minor release number] of your desired zkVM version. For example, if you would like to install version 1.1.0, run git checkout origin/release-1.1 and run cargo install --path risc0/cargo-risczero.

For x86-64 linux and arm64 macOS, install the C++ toolchains by running:

rzup install cpp


To update your installation:

  1. Run rzup update to update the RISC Zero toolchain to the latest released version. See releases.

After you update your installation, be sure to update your project's RISC Zero crates. To do this, you must update all RISC Zero dependencies in your project's host and guest Cargo.toml files. In most projects, this is done by updating the host and guest risc0-zkvm crate and the risc0-build build dependency. They should be updated to use the version number displayed by cargo risczero --version.