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Version: 1.0

Recursive Proving

RISC Zero's zkVM uses recursive proving in order to achieve unbounded computation size, constant proof size, proof aggregation, and proof composition.


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The rest of this page describes low-level details that are not necessary for users.

Recursive Proving Process

The end-to-end process for proof generation is shown in the following diagram.

To summarize the diagram:

  1. The program is executed, resulting in a collection of Segments.
  2. Each Segment is proven, resulting in a SegmentReceipt.
  3. Each SegmentReceipt is lifted, resulting in a SuccinctReceipt.
  4. Pairs of SuccinctReceipts are joined, resulting in another SuccinctReceipt. This continues until a single SuccinctReceipt remains.
  5. The final SuccinctReceipt is passed through identity_p254, which prepares for Groth16 proving.
  6. The SuccinctReceipt is compressed, generating a Groth16Receipt.

The Groth16Receipt can now be posted on-chain and verified by the RISC Zero Verifier Contract.

Recursive Circuit Architecture

RISC Zero's zkVM consists of three circuits.

  1. The RISC-V Circuit is a STARK circuit that proves correct execution of RISC-V programs.
  2. The Recursion Circuit is a separate STARK circuit, that's designed to efficiently generate proofs for the verification of STARK proofs and to support the integration of custom accelerator circuits into the zkVM. This circuit has a similar architecture to the RISC-V Circuit, but with fewer columns and an instruction set optimized for cryptography. The same proof system is used for both the RISC-V Circuit and the Recursion Circuit.
  3. The STARK-to-SNARK Circuit is an R1CS circuit that verifies proofs from the Recursion Circuit.

Recursion Programs

The Recursion Circuit supports a number of programs, including lift, join, resolve, and identity_p254. These are using internally to the Prover implementations to produce SuccinctReceipt and Groth16Receipt.

  1. The lift program verifies a STARK proof from the RISC-V Prover, using the Recursion Prover. This recursion proof has a single constant-time verification procedure, with respect to the original segment length, and is then used as the input to all other recursion programs (e.g. join, resolve, and identity_p254).
  2. The join program verifies two proofs from the Recursion Prover, using the Recursion Prover. By repeated application of join, any number of receipts for execution spans within the same session can be compressed into a single receipt for the entire session.
  3. The identity_p254 program verifies a proof from the Recursion Prover using the Recursion Prover with the Poseidon254 hash function. The identity_p254 program is used as the last step in the prover pipeline before running the Groth16 prover.

STARK-to-SNARK Wrapping

All of the recursion programs in the previous section output a SuccinctReceipt, which is a STARK proof (~200kB)

The final step in the recursion process is compress(), which outputs a Groth16Receipt, which can be verified on-chain using the RISC Zero Verifier Contract.